Arlington as a Poultry Center
A story from the Arlington Journal, September 27, 1929
Arlington ranks high as a poultry center and eggs and choice fowls are easily marketed to the profit of the grower. There are several important reasons why this is true.
First, Arlington is centrally located between two of the largest and most progressive cities in the South. The Bankhead Highway which connects these two cities carries some eight or ten thousand motorists through our city daily. The splendid railroad connections make mail and express shipping convenient and speedy. Also the interurban which runs every hour has meant a great deal in bringing people to the town as well as the baggage and express service rendered by the interurban for shipping purposes. Being located as it is, it is convenient for poultrymen to market their products in either Fort Worth or Dallas.
Second, the soil in Arlington is very favorably adapted to poultry raising. In practically every section of the country there is some sandy soil, with gravel, and well-drained, which make it ideal for poultry raising. Even the black land section to the southeast of the city has proven very successful very successful for poultry when handled properly. Many farmers have from a hundred to five hundred hens to his flock. The surplus eggs are marketed at a profit and often add very materially to the family budget, which in recent years has been lessened by crop failures. Raising fryers for market purposes also has proven very successful in this section.
Arlington has proven an ideal location for the sale of baby chicks, a number of hatcheries being located here. The total egg capacity of hatcheries in this city will run well into several hundred thousand. These men who have chosen this as their occupation have always found a ready sale for their chicks, and make large shipments into all parts of the United States.
Some of the largest poultry farms in the South are located here and these men who have nothing but pure-bred stock have won first places on their stock at the State Fair held each year in Dallas, Southwestern Fat Stock and Exposition in Fort Worth, and many other Fairs throughout the State.
An organization which has been a decided advantage and help to poultrymen here is the Poultry Association which boasts a large membership. Meetings are held in which mutual help and advice are given, not only for the benefit of the members, but for the building up of the entire community.
Business men in Arlington have realized the importance of this industry to the growth of the city and stand ready at all times to aid and cooperate with the poultrymen in anything that they can. With this splendid cooperation and other favorable conditions, which have already been mentioned, it is no wonder that Arlington is now ranked one of the best poultry centers of the Southwest.